Tips You Need to Know Before Visiting Hawaii

Tips You Need to Know Before Visiting Hawaii

Planning a Hawaiian vacation can be an exciting adventure, but there's much to consider before you arrive. Whether Hawaii is a dream destination on your bucket list or you've already booked your flight and packed your bags, it's essential to be well-prepared. Our must-know tips for visiting Hawaii will ensure you're ready for a seamless and unforgettable experience.

So, before your plane touches down and you sip that first Mai Tai with the warm Hawaiian sand beneath your feet, please keep reading to discover our top travel tips for making the most of your time in paradise. A little preparation goes a long way in ensuring an extraordinary Hawaiian getaway!

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Aloha Is a Way of Life

Aloha is not only a popular way to say hello and goodbye in Hawaiian, but it is also an ongoing lifestyle. Aloha is characterized by easygoingness, friendliness, and feeling welcomed. 

The Aloha lifestyle is one of the many reasons visitors to Hawaii love it so much. They feel welcomed, relaxed, and completely unwind during their stay. When you visit Hawaii, try to embody the Aloha way of life. 

Learn to Speak Hawaiian

Learning and using simple words and phrases in the local Hawaiian language is a sign of respect. It shows that you've taken the time to learn about the culture and are interested in interacting thoughtfully with the locals during your time on the Island. 

Locals tend to enjoy speaking and teaching Hawaiian to intrigued travelers. But don't worry, English is widely spoken, so being fluent in Hawaiian is unnecessary. 

Remember, Not Every Local Person is Hawaiian

It is believed that the Islands of Hawaii have been inhabited since 124 AD and were first settled by the Polynesians. The descendants who came afterward are those who claim native ancestry to the land and who many would consider to be Hawaiians. 

However, not every local on the Islands are Hawaiian. During the 1800s, Hawaii received an influx of immigrants, resulting in today's rich diversity of people across the islands. So, to be respectful, do not mix Hawaiians with long-time locals.

Lei Etiquette is Important

Leis are among the most popular and colorful symbols associated with Hawaiian culture. Each Hawaiian Island has its own traditional lei. To this day, leis are very important and even have their own etiquette. 

When you arrive or leave Hawaii, for example, at your hotel, you may be given a lei. It's a symbol of aloha and affection. A closed (tied) lei should rest on our shoulders, half in the front and half in the back. 

An open (untied) lei should be worn around the neck, with each end draped in front. 

However, one should never give themselves a lei. And it's considered disrespectful to refuse a lei. Finally, when your lei begins to wilt, never throw it away. Instead, leave it outside in the garden to return to the earth. 

Bring your Bags

Single-use plastic bags are banned in many places across the Hawaiian islands. This is to decrease the amount of plastic trash in the surrounding ocean. 

If you plan to do any grocery shopping or shopping in general, it is highly recommended that you bring your reusable bags. Supplying your reusable bags signifies that you're trying to be part of the solution, not the problem. 

Be a Respectful Driver

Have you ever heard of 'island time'? In Hawaii, island time refers to the laid-back atmosphere of day-to-day events. In other words, things can run slower in Hawaii than you are used to.  

This is especially true when it comes to driving. Locals call this "driving with aloha." For example, you won't hear very many honking horns. You'll notice that pedestrians get the right-of-way and that not every driver is ready to accelerate off the line like a racecar driver when the light turns green. 

If you plan to rent a car during your stay, remember to drive respectfully and not in a rush. 

Leave Your Shoes at the Door

Many homeowners in Hawaii usually have a shoe rack by the front door. This is so visitors can take off their shoes before entering the home. 

If you can visit someone's home during your stay in Hawaii, be prepared to take your shoes off at the door. This is a sign of respect and helps the host keep their home a little cleaner. 

Be Respectful of Sacred Sites

Hawaiian culture has roots in royalty and religious practices. As such, there are still many sacred sites across the Hawaiian islands. For example, if you see a sign that says kapu, you might be on a sacred burial ground or the past home of royalty. 

You might be near an old Hawaiian temple if you see a sign that says heiau. If you find yourself in these areas, don't walk on them, be respectful, and don't leave trash behind.

Protect the Natural Environment

Similar to the respect Hawaiians hold for various sacred sites, they deeply respect and love for the natural environment. Environmentalism and protecting the 'aina, or land, are important to many Hawaiians. 

That is why laws against plastic bags and unsafe sunscreen have been passed. It is recommended that you be as environmentally friendly as possible while in Hawaii (and once you get home, for that matter). 

Ideas include: 

  • Keeping your distance from wildlife
  • Not littering and picking up any trash you see
  • Not taking anything from beaches or parks
  • Practice responsible picnicking. Not all areas permit food or drink

Volunteer Your Time

One of the best ways to give back to the place you are visiting is by participating in a volunteer activity. Volunteering is also a perfect way to meet locals and continue learning about the local culture. You can volunteer in many different ways during your time in Hawaii. 

Ocean and beach cleanups, working with older people, trail maintenance, and serving people without homes are just a few ideas to help get you brainstorming. If you have an extra day or even just a few hours, volunteering will help make your trip that much more rewarding.

Schedule Your Luau for the End of your Trip

Attending a local luau is a perfect way to observe Hawaiian culture and try delicious foods. However, Luaus are notorious for not ending until late at night. If the first activity you attend is a Luau, you may be too exhausted, not to mention jet-lagged, from your travels to fully enjoy the entire experience. 

If you want to attend a Luau, which we recommend, schedule it at the end of your trip. You can use it to celebrate your time in Hawaii rather than just your arrival. We think you will enjoy it better if you don't fall asleep during it.

Research Beaches

There are many beaches throughout the Hawaiian Islands. However, not every beach is ideal for every person. Some might be more family-friendly, offer safer swimming, or be more accessible. 

Before you set off for the day or schedule a tour, we recommend researching your beach destination to ensure you won't be disappointed when you arrive. 

Check the Weather

Checking the forecast is an essential first step when scheduling your activities in Hawaii. Because of their location, the Hawaiian islands can be susceptible to storms and bad weather. 

So before you hike, drive to a beach, or even pick the week you want to arrive at the island, double-check the forecast and the best times of the year for traveling.

Ask for Directions

If you ask a local for directions, you may hear "windward" or "leeward." What are these words? The Hawaiian islands are smack dab in the middle of a significant trade wind path that blows from the Northeast all year. 

These winds impact the weather on the islands in specific ways. The part of the Island that faces the wind is windward, while the opposite side is leeward. The windward side of the Island is always wetter than the drier leeward side, so windward and leeward have become used as a way to talk about directions.

Similarly, locals may give directions, for example, when talking about where they live by saying they live Kai Way, which is closer to the ocean, or Mauna Way, which is closer to the mountains. 

Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen

If you plan to swim in the ocean, you must guarantee that your sunscreen is reef-safe

Some sunscreens contain harmful chemicals that can damage marine life and coral reefs off the Islands' coasts. Sunscreens that are not reef-safe are considered illegal under Hawaiian law. 

Don't Leave Valuables in your Rental

If you have rented a car and want to use it to access the beautiful beaches scattered across the Islands of Hawaii that you are visiting, remember not to leave any valuables in the car when you leave it parked to enjoy your day. 

Unfortunately, car break-ins are notoriously common across the islands. If you have valuables, we recommend leaving them in the hotel room and only traveling with the bare minimum. 

Practice Ocean Safety

The ocean is a majestic thing. But it can also be hazardous. Unfortunately, the ocean surrounding Hawaii can sometimes be unsafe. Giant waves, rip currents, and harmful wildlife can put you at risk in the sea. 

If you are planning activities in the water, like swimming, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, etc., then you will want to research. If you plan on swimming or surfing,  check the conditions beforehand and do so on designated beaches with lifeguards. 

If you want to snorkel or dive, do so as part of a tour so a guide can help keep you safe. 

Try a House or Condo Instead of a Hotel

Hotels can be highly pricey all across the Hawaiian islands. Booking a rental home or condo can be an excellent way to save money. 

Also, splitting the cost multiple ways is great for saving money if you are traveling in a group. Plus, specific amenities like a kitchen, washer, and dryer can save you money on cooking and laundry.  

To Rent or Not to Rent?

Renting a car can help you save money by avoiding hiring transportation whenever you want to go out. Plus, you can move around freely and avoid traveling in large tour groups.

However, it may not be essential if you are staying in a walkable city like Waikiki or Honolulu. Rent a car only if it fits your travel style and if you're visiting a larger city or want to visit any other parts of the islands.

Save Money on Food 

Getting food transported to Hawaii is expensive. Those costs are then transferred to you as the consumer. As such, saving money for grocery shopping in Hawaii is essential. If you want to save money on food, consider these tips:

  • Buy snack foods for in-between meals
  • Prepare your lunches
  • Don't eat out every night
  • Shop at larger chain stores
  • Buy in bulk

Look for Free Activities

Paying for a tour service is often the best way to guarantee a good experience. There is something to say about hiring a professional tour guide or agency to ensure you reap the most of your investment. 

You will also be supporting the local business and the larger Hawaiian economy. However, there are also ways to find free activities and save money. 

Be Strategic with Your Airfare

One of the best ways to save money on your visit to Hawaii is to be frugal with the money you spend on airfare. Here are some tried and true tips for saving money on flights and getting the lowest possible price:

  • Book your flight well in advance
  • Be flexible with travel days
  • Set up price alerts
  • Be careful about hidden fees
  • Book your flight with travel points
  • Research and compare costs across multiple website platforms 

There's No Such Thing as a Long Weekend Trip to Hawaii

Hawaii is quite a ways away from anywhere since it's in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. That means jet lag is a real issue. You don't want to waste your precious island time having to sleep off an airplane hangover, so make sure your trip is long enough to allow recovery time. 

The flight is lengthy enough that travel time will take up most of your day (or night), so flying in on Friday afternoon and leaving on Sunday evening isn't an option. To maximize your time, allow yourself a solid week in paradise. 

Check Out Japanese Holidays

Hawaii is a popular destination for those coming from Japan and the US. A few holidays, "Golden Week" being one of them, bring a lot of people to the islands. This can make navigating the heavily trafficked areas difficult since space is limited. 

Prices will also likely rise during high tourism, especially for airfare and hotel stays. Entertainment prices are also expected to go up during these times.

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