Puako Bay

Located within the Kohala Region on Big Island

Puako Bay

There are six separate accesses to this stretch of beach. There isn't much sand here but the tidepools and extensive reef are remarkable. During low tide, small pools dot the entire coastline. These pools are filled with small sea life and make excellent areas to explore. Offshore the reef is home to a wide variety of fish. The outer edges of the reef are the most interesting, but use extreme caution and monitor ocean conditions carefully before entering the water.

-No facilities -Fair swimming -Good snorkeling -Great tidepools -No lifeguards Take Highway 19 north from Kona.

Turn left onto Puako Road before Mile Marker #70. Public accesses are located by telephone poles #106, 110, 115, 120, 127 and 137.

Puako Bay Reviews

A (based on 60 visitor reviews)

Geolocation Data

Geographic Coordinates

Latitude: 19.97499998
Longitude: -155.8438889

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